
How to contact us

To reach us, leave a comment or send email to

To reach us via telephone or text message (for questions, last-minute directions, or just to speak to a live human person) call our coordinator. Our club officers are:

Coordinator/contact..: Steve Ferg  ▶ phone/text 520-664-4133
Web administrator....: Steve Ferg


Rain cancellation policy

Our rain cancellation policy is simply to leave it to each person to make his/her own individual decision about whether to play or not. If enough people show up and it isn’t raining and the ground is playable, we play. Otherwise, we don’t. We therefore recommend the Punxsutawney Phil Petanque Participation Protocol (PPPPP)— Stick your nose outside of your burrow; if the weather looks too foul to play, go back inside. Otherwise, come down and play. (During the summer, that goes for heat, as well as rain.)

Even when rain is forecast, we rarely get rained out. It can rain in one part of Tucson and stay bone-dry in others. Our usual terrain is big and hard-packed; even if it rains in the morning there will probably be playable places in the afternoon.

On the rare occasion when the coordinator thinks it appropriate to “officially” cancel a meet, he/she will post an announcement on this web site and, if you have signed up for email notifications, you will receive an email message with the announcement.

When in doubt, call our coordinator for last-minute information.

Playing (and not) during monsoon season

To help with last-minute decisions, the menu bar at the top of our web pages contains an item for “weather forecast”. It offers links to helpful weather sites, some of which display weather radar.

NOTE that during monsoon, in addition to conditions in Brandi Fenton Park itself, you must also consider driving conditions to and from the park.

  • NEVER try to drive across a wash in which there is more than an inch of running water.
  • ABSOLUTELY NEVER try to drive across a wash that is closed with warning signs.

No joke. This is the way people die during monsoon season in Tucson.

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